Advanced English Dictionary & Thesaurus
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Straightforward and precise definitions of over 140,000 words with more than 250,000 links and 1.4 million words. Synonyms, antonyms, similar and related words to help you make your writing and speech more interesting. Hypernyms (more generic words), hyponyms (subordinate words) and meronyms (part names) Examples illustrate how words are used and show typical constructions and collocations.
Descrição do Produto
- Straightforward and precise definitions of over 140,000 words with more than 250,000 links and 1.4 million words.
- Synonyms, antonyms, similar and related words to help you make your writing and speech more interesting.
- Hypernyms (more generic words), hyponyms (subordinate words) and meronyms (part names)
- Examples illustrate how words are used and show typical constructions and collocations.
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