Buy Now Search Free for eBay
R$ 0,00
Sua compra será finalizada na AMAZON.
Receive email alerts for fixed price items on eBay, within minutes of them being listed, that match your stored search. Register with Buy Now Search in the app. Manage your search in the app. Search in price ranges (including or excluding delivery costs), in a particular category, on a specific eBay site. Use search terms that bring back the items that you want and exclude unwanted items.
Descrição do Produto
- Receive email alerts for fixed price items on eBay, within minutes of them being listed, that match your stored search.
- Register with Buy Now Search in the app.
- Manage your search in the app.
- Search in price ranges (including or excluding delivery costs), in a particular category, on a specific eBay site.
- Use search terms that bring back the items that you want and exclude unwanted items.
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