Brochure Design Inspiration Ideas

R$ 3,69

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  • Every high school guidance counselor has an office filled with brochures for potential colleges and universities. That’s because brochures are a great way to give someone a first look at a school or educational program. Educational brochures help give a sense of the program’s core values and demonstrate what the school is all about.
  • Brochures are often given away at events, providing attendees with maps, schedules and additional information on what the event is all about. They also double as souvenirs or keepsakes for the event itself, so they have to embody the spirit of the event in a way that will be memorable.
  • And you know those takeout menus that you have magnetized to your fridge or piled up in your junk drawer? What you might not realize is that those are essentially brochures. When it comes to designing for the food and restaurant industry, remember that recipients have the potential to hold on to a brochure for long periods of time. Your design has to be evergreen and represent the brand in a way that will still be accurate several years later.
  • -Brochure Design Inspiration Ideas
  • -Brochure Design Inspiration
  • -Brochure Inspiration Ideas

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