Spanish English Dictionary
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✓ Dictionary with over 686,000 offline entries (premium), over 466,000 for free. ✓ Conjugations of 6,419 verbs. ✓ Online Phrase Translator. ✓ Flashcards. ✓ Dictionary favorites. ✓ Single index search for fast lookup. ✓ Multiple-choice vocabulary quizzes. ✓ Lookup History. ✓ Dictionary entries include translations, usage examples, part of speech & gender for Spanish nouns. ✓ Updated regularly by our team of linguists.
Descrição do Produto
- ✓ Dictionary with over 686,000 offline entries (premium), over 466,000 for free.
- ✓ Conjugations of 6,419 verbs.
- ✓ Online Phrase Translator.
- ✓ Flashcards.
- ✓ Dictionary favorites.
- ✓ Single index search for fast lookup.
- ✓ Multiple-choice vocabulary quizzes.
- ✓ Lookup History.
- ✓ Dictionary entries include translations, usage examples, part of speech & gender for Spanish nouns.
- ✓ Updated regularly by our team of linguists.
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