Land Calculator - नापी (Napi/Naapi) | Measurement
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Provides measurement methods and tips for different type and shape of land. Calculated result in different units such as square feet, square meter, acres, hectare, ropani-aana-paisa-daam, bigha-kattha-dhur etc. Provision to select 'feet' or 'meter' units for measurement. ("feet" is default unit, if "meter" is used in your country & you want it by default, you can ask in review with country name) Plotter: Draw your plot, calculate area & save. Area Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multi
Descrição do Produto
- Provides measurement methods and tips for different type and shape of land.
- Calculated result in different units such as square feet, square meter, acres, hectare, ropani-aana-paisa-daam, bigha-kattha-dhur etc.
- Provision to select 'feet' or 'meter' units for measurement. ("feet" is default unit, if "meter" is used in your country & you want it by default, you can ask in review with country name)
- Plotter: Draw your plot, calculate area & save.
- Area Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of area in different units like square feet, square meter, acres, hectare, ropani-aana-paisa-daam, bigha-kattha-dhur with result of each in all unit.
- Geo-Plotter: Draw your plot on geo map, get measurements and area & save.
- Can take Screenshot of any result/pages.