Bali Candra: Kalender Bali, Alarm Trisandya & Puja


Descrição do Produto

  • Trisandya alarm.
  • Balinese calendar with rerainan and dewasa ayu.
  • Daily Hindu mantras / prayers which include Tri Sandya, Gayatri, Panca Sembah, daily mantras, and many others.
  • Kidung for various events.
  • Bhagawad Gita in Indonesian.
  • Sarasamuscaya in Indonesian.
  • Search for the nearest temple by using the name or location of the temple including using a map to see where the temple is.
  • Search for otonan and odalan by date of birth, pawukon or sasih.
  • Keep a record of menstruation with predictions.
  • Bali saka calendar widget.

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