V?brat?ng Cl?tor?l G-Sp?t V?br?tor Remote Controlled 10 Mode Pr?st?te M?ss?ger An?l V?br?tor, Rechar


Descrição do Produto

  • 7 d?fferent v?brati?n m?des for ?nternal and extern?l st?mulati?n ?t the s?me t?me, the p?rfect v?brat?r st?mulates the g-sp?t and cl?t?ris ?t the s?me t?me. cl?t?ral women v?brat?r ?nderwe?r
  • j?st p?t the p?rt?ble v?brat?r cl?se to the ?nderwe?r and the sens?tive ?rea to exper?ence ? qu?ck ?rg?sm exper?ence, ?mpr?ve sex??l fr?gidity, and c?lm l?nel?ness. w?reless thrust?ng D?ld?
  • erg?nom?c v?brat?r can b? eas?ly h?dden ?nd?r the p?nts, ??ry d?screet, you can ??en we?r ?t in sp?rts, sh?pp?ng, ?ff?ce and ?ther ?ccas?ons. v?brat?r cl?t v?brat?r
  • ?ntelligent h?r?zontal v?brat?r with g-sp?t st?mulat?r and cl?t?ral st?mulat?r with tw? m?tors, wh?ch can b? str?tched b?ck and f?rth and he?ted, c?ntrolled by ? w?reless rem?te c?ntrol. cl?t?ris thrust?ng mach?ne for women
  • ?sb rech?rgeable b?tt?rfly v?brat?r ?px7 w?terpr?of. m?de of sk?n-friendly, s?ft med?cal s?lic?ne, the max?mum d?stance of the rem?te c?ntrol is 10 m?ters. v?brating rem?te v?brat?r

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