ProTube: FREE Floating Tube Player
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Watch all videos without Ads Discover newest and hot videos by genres you love Play video or Playlist on Floating Popup player Easy to resize the Popup player bigger or smaller by long press three seconds on it, then resize. Subscribe channel you love without login account Tracking history: recently played, most played & search keywords Search everything : video, playlist and channel Create local playlists for watching later Turn on/off captions Support to change video quality, playback speed
Descrição do Produto
- Watch all videos without Ads
- Discover newest and hot videos by genres you love
- Play video or Playlist on Floating Popup player
- Easy to resize the Popup player bigger or smaller by long press three seconds on it, then resize.
- Subscribe channel you love without login account
- Tracking history: recently played, most played & search keywords
- Search everything : video, playlist and channel
- Create local playlists for watching later
- Turn on/off captions
- Support to change video quality, playback speed
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