Meditation And Sleep Stories - التامل و قصص النوم
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A beautiful and wonderful program through which you can learn to meditate, calm and serenity, and you can also reach a full degree of meditation and there are more than one audio to learn meditation. There are also interesting bedtime stories that suit everyone as well, and there is also a group of audios to create a mood for you to meditate if you want or work, and you can mix several audios that will work continuously until you exit a program, that will help you to have a certain atmosphere li
Descrição do Produto
- A beautiful and wonderful program through which you can learn to meditate, calm and serenity, and you can also reach a full degree of meditation and there are more than one audio to learn meditation. There are also interesting bedtime stories that suit everyone as well, and there is also a group of audios to create a mood for you to meditate if you want or work, and you can mix several audios that will work continuously until you exit a program, that will help you to have a certain atmosphere like rain Continuous with wind and typing on an old keyboard with such a whistle of sounds that you mix to give you a new mood
- برنامج جميل و رائع يمكنك من خلاله التعلم على التامل و الهدوء و السكينه ويمكنك ايضا التوصل الى درجه تامل كاملة و وموجوده اكثر من صوتيات لتعلم التامل . كما يوجد ايضا قصص قبل النوم الممتعه التي تناسب الجميع ايضا و كما يوجد مجموعه من صوتيات لتعمل لك مزاج للتامل اذا اردت او العمل و يمكنك مزج عده صوتيات التي سوف تعمل بشكل مستمر الى ان يتم خروج من برنامج فذلك سويف يساعدك على وجود جو معين مثل مطر مستمر مع رياح و طباعه على كيبورد قديم مع صافرة هكذا من صوتيات التي تمزجها لتكون لك مزاج جديد
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