Display Lab

Descrição do Produto

  • Play media from playlist. videos supported by Android, images and websites
  • Add media from different sources like web HTML, CSS, Java, Image, YouTube videos/ playlists, files/folders on the internal storage or SD cards
  • Lockdown or configure web browser features like feature access, uploads, pop ups, zooming, URL whitelist and blacklist etc
  • Auto reload wallpaper or playlist on different events like idle time, network reconnect or screen on
  • Configure your device for the best user experience: full screen mode, set screen brightness/ orientation, keep screen on, skip the lock screen, scheduled wake-up and sleep times, screen saver.
  • Kiosk Mode: Video player lockdown for unattended devices. Exit from Kiosk mode only with selected gesture and PIN.
  • Recover the app even after unexpected errors or auto-updates
  • Lightweight app, install from Google Play or from APK file, export/import settings, usage stats
  • Purchase an instant license for the Premium Features.
  • Supports Android 6 to 10

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