Pranic Frequencies


Descrição do Produto

  • Key aspects of Pranic Frequencies App:
  • Frequency name: up to 54 characters – supports lower case alphanumeric and any of these symbols !#&/-.
  • Frequency range: 1.00 to 20000.00 Hz for Sine and Square waveforms. The trapezoidal waveform is available for frequencies that are multiples of 25, ranging from 25 Hz to 2500 Hz.
  • Waveform : Sine (sn) or Square (sq) or Trapezoidal (tz).
  • Duration : 1 min to 1440 min (24 hrs.)
  • Presets: App has 36 presets which can be modified and more can be added to maximum of 1000 presets. If you modify or add presets then it is recommend to export and save the frequency list so that you can import back in case of app reinstallation.
  • Convert phone/tablet into healing device by connecting to small amp and scalar or pemf equipment.

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